Btwn the Holidays Social

Cape Fear Trail # 454 – 5th Saturday SOCIAL


Saturday, December 30, 2023 at 2:00 pm. That’s 1400 for you military types.

Who – Hares:

Kitty Kitty Bang Bang and SpongeBath SquarePants


Kitty and Spongy’s house, 159 Harrison Creek Road, Hampstead, NC.

Google Map


Social, social, social!! As the year ends, this is a great time for a relaxing get together. Cum on out to the last social of 2023 and enjoy some adult games, stories of the past year and, of course, soaking in the hot tub. In the spirit of 12 Down Downs we will partake on a few cocktails and other beverages. Bring your favorite cocktail to share in lieu of hash cash and your best stories/jokes of the past year. Sorry, no dogs.!


Because hashing… and beer! And social!

  • To promote physical fitness among our members
  • To get rid of weekend hangovers
  • To acquire a good thirst and to satisfy it in beer
  • To persuade the older members that they are not as old as they feel

What to Bring: 

$5 hash cash, drinking vessel, a cocktail to share, virgins, a spare liver, your best/worst/lamest jokes, more virgins, drinking vessel or coozie, boy toys, clean clothes for later, etc.


Kitty & Spongy’s hot tub